40 Million Souls


Siadłem, żeby napisać zupełnie inną piosenkę, ale wyszło coś takiego. Nieszczególnie wiem co z tym zrobić, więc umieściłem tutaj.

In English.

Podziel się z głupim światem

Słowa i chwyty:

C D G e Why was I born in this land It wasn't what I chose What connection I have with those 40 million souls Air is thick and water is dry Horizon too small There's not enough room to breath, For 40 million souls G D C D Oh God what will you do with nation G D C D Which fights so hard against it's own salvation C D e I know your justice calls C D G But it's still 40 million souls With no vision, with no plan, Directions or goals What will be the end of road For 40 million souls? There are boys in place of men Playing with their toys Children leading nation of 40 million souls